12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Коловская Ирина Владимировна1986
Учитель английского языка высшей категории. Хобби: фотография, кулинария, путешествия.
Россия, Иркутская обл., г. Тайшет

top questions to check knowledge of English. Spotlight 6

1.Fill in the gaps “to be” in Present Simple.

1. I ……. the best student. I….. proud of it.

2. …….Ann and Kathy in the sport club? – Yes, they …….

3. My uncle …… a police worker. His job ..….dangerous.

4. My grandparents ….scientists. Their son …. a scientist too .

2. Place the pronouns in the right column!

.. have a car

This is …… car.

The car is …..




her mine we yours our I your they their theirs hers you ours


3. English in Use! Match the phrases:

1. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the theatre, please?

a) That’s a great idea! I like it.

2. What time is it?

b) Just cross the road and turn left!

3. How about Scrabble?

c) I’d like a new CD.

4. Can I help you?

d) I don’t mind.

5. Let’s do something for your birthday?

e) It’s a quarter past one.


4. Look at the picture and answer the questions:

Is it a credit or a membership card?

What’s her name?

Where is she from?

Does she like sport?


Choose the right option:


It’s ten to ten.

b)It’s ten past ten.

c)It’s a quarter to ten.


a)It’s a quarter past 11 a.m.

b)It’s half past 11 a.m.

c) It’s a quarter to 11 a.m.


6. Choose the right form. Present Simple or Present Progressive?

1.When…….she…… swimming?

a) do go b) does go c) is going

2. Henry never ………..horror films. They are disgusting for him.

a) doesn’t watch b) is watching c) watches

3. Look! My parents …………… darts. They are funny.

a) is playing b) play c) are playing

4. I…………board games with my friends on Sunday.

a) play b) am playing c) is playing

5. My little brother Jack……….. sandcastle at the moment.

a) makes b) is making c) are making


Compare! Remember the degrees of comparison rules:


Read the text answer: T/ F/ NS

Monica Cox

Monica Cox is a tennis player. She likes to take part in the competitions. She started playing tennis with her father when she was three years old. Two years ago she went to America to a famous tennis school in California. Monica and her father visited a lot of countries. Last month they went to Australia. Monica played well but she didn’t win. She was upset. But Monica is an optimistic person and she hopes to get other prizes.

Monica enjoys taking part in the competition. ______

She liked watching tennis when she was three years old. ______

Monica won the prize in Australia. _____

Write down verbs from the text, that are in Past Simple in two columns (regular/irregular) and give their Infinitive.

Regular verbs

Irregular verbs



10. You are in the theatre. What rules should you follow?





-take photos during the performance

-keep silence

-switch off your phones

-eat and drink during the performance

-make noise

-bring flowers

-have tickets


Your score:







Менее 30




Задание 1

1. am am

2. are are

3. is is

4. are is

Задание 2

we I they you

her our your their

mine yours theirs hers ours


Задание 3

1.b 2.e 3.a 4.c 5.d

Задание 4

1.Is it a credit or a membership card? - membership card

2.What’s her name?- Peter Sonders

3.Where is she from? – Australia

4.Does she like sport?- Yes, she does.

Задание 5



Задание 6

1.b 2.c 3.с 4.a 5.b

Задание 7

sweeter the sweetest

delicious most delicious

Задание 8

1.T 2. NS 3. F

Задание 9


Regular verbs

Irregular verbs






Задание 10




-keep silence

-switch off your phones

-have tickets

-take photos during the performance

-eat and drink during the performance


-bring flowers



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